Cross Domain Technical Forum (CDTF)



The National Cross Domain Strategy & Management Office (NCDSMO) presents the 2024 Cross Domain Technical Forum (CDTF), a three-day forum for government, industry, and FVEY partners to advance their cross domain knowledge, learn about the latest developments in cross domain technology, and discover cross domain solutions (CDS) that will satisfy their mission needs.

Over the past decade, the CDTF has connected representatives from government and industry helping them partner and collaborate on the advancement of cross domain technology and the resolution of challenges specific to cross domain developers, testers, owners, and operators.

We look forward to seeing you there!


The CDTF is for those who work with cross domain technology for the U.S. Government (particularly the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community), Five-Eyes partners (Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand), industry, and academia.

Anyone involved in the development, testing, accreditation, operation, maintenance, or management of CDSs and anyone who needs to know more about CDSs to accomplish their mission should attend.

Classification & Clearances

Days 1 and 2 of the CDTF are unclassified and the third day is SECRET//NOFORN. Therefore, a clearance is not required to attend days 1 and 2, and an active Secret clearance (or higher) is required to attend day 3. To attend day 3, the NCDSMO must verify your clearance. The NCDSMO will verify clearances from April 1 through May 24.

Please note that day 3 has been changed to U.S. citizens only because of content that could not be downgraded to releasable.

For those that want to attend day 3 and have access to SIPRNet or JWICS, email or to be added to the day 3 attendee list. For those that want to attend day 3 but do not have access to classified email, provide your personally identifiable information for clearance verification to however you are most comfortable – password-protected document, encrypted document, encrypted email, DoD SAFE, phone, or classified email by May 24:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Country of citizenship
  4. Social security number
  5. Date of birth
  6. Birth country
  7. Birth state
  8. Affiliation (civilian, military, or contractor)
  9. Department/agency, military branch, or company (that holds your clearance)
  10. Clearance level (Uncleared, Secret, or Top Secret)


There is no cost to attend the CDTF for U.S. Government, U.S. Military, and Five-Eyes partners (Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand).

The attendee cost for contractors and industry partners is $275.

About the NCDSMO

The NCDSMO is the focal point for U.S. Government cross domain capabilities and mission needs. The NCDSMO provides CDS security standards, operates the CDS testing program, and provides CDS community programs and forums. As an NSA organization, the NCDSMO operates under the authorities of National Security Memorandum 8, National Security Directive 42, and Executive Order 12333.

In accordance with National Security Memorandum 8, CDSs deployed on national security systems must comply with Raise the Bar (RTB), a set of CDS security requirements authored by the NCDSMO. Compliance with RTB is determined through the NCDSMO’s lab-based security assessment (LBSA). CDSs that have successfully completed LBSA (i.e., RTB compliant) are added to the NCDSMO’s CDS baseline list.

For questions or comments about the NCDSMO or the CDTF, please contact us at

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